Tag Archives: baby clothes

Mad Men and Manolo’s

27 Mar


Well I’m sitting in the garden reading my book whilst the babe sleeps and thought I’d do the blog now. Given that the new series of Mad Men starts tonight I better do it now! (The book in question by the way is Left Neglected by Lisa Genova. I may have harped on about her before but she’s a fab writer. Both books I’ve read are written from the point of view of a woman with a debilitating illness and she has a phd in neuroscience so she nows her stuff!).

Tuesday afternoons always have that annoying quality to them. No matter how lovely a time I’m having, or this week how good the weather, I am always wishing I didn’t have to go back to work tomorrow. I am seeing my fave client on thurs so that helps a bit.

Two fashionable thoughts today. First the babe. I went to Next this morning to exchange some of the things she’d been given for her birthday. (Don’t tell on me..). I managed to get a couple of pairs of the skinny neon jeans they have been doing in the right size but also found these little sweatshirt tops. Now, I am really not a fan of baby hoodies and avoid at all costs but I thought these were somewhere close to a summer jacket and would be great to have in your bag over the summer months. My own pic is below as they are not on the website. There is a pale pink one too.

Now for mummy. The fact that it is now warm means I’ll have to ditch the opaque tights at the office. This in turn means a Fake Bake session this evening. I really need to invest in some summer shift dresses for work but am struggling a bit to find the right thing. Mad Men will no doubt inspire me later. In the interim I’ll be swapping black patent courts for nude ones which at least will give a nod o the summer with a white blouse and pencil skirt.

Tomorrow, baby sandals. A minefield.


Barbie my baby

24 Mar


Well I had my first pay cheque after my maternity leave yesterday and what did I do with it, go shopping for the babe!! It’s been a lovely afternoon really. The hubby took the babe to the park whilst me and the best bud went to the shops, a lovely little break combined with my fave activity.

Neither me or the buddy had loads of money to spend so we stayed with the high street and headed for the Next sale and Mothercare where there is a buy one get one half price offer on all their clothes and shoes. Baby Zara can never be missed however so we stopped there too….

I try to buy for the babe like I buy for myself. My theory is to buy only things that already go with one or two things in my wardrobe and also group with trends that I am into and I know suit me. I have gone with some colour blocking for the babe and I try to keep in mind that more pastel rather than bright colours suit her. I am a skinnies and tee’s kind of a mummy and so the poor thing is a bit in my image too, bless her. Everything I buy also has to go with the leopard print booties. See my gravatar if you missed the post dedicated to them!!

So, what did I buy? Three pairs of skinnies and about seven tees!!! Mothercare came through on the jeans and whilst the Baby K range is not always my cup of tea I do find that they do some more fashion oriented stuff. Bit pricey for little ones but the buy one get one half price helped. The coral jeans below also come in a pastel pink (which I also got).



There was also a pair of lemon skinnies in the Mothercare main range for a cheaper £9 that are in the bag too.


As far as t shirts go the top shot is classic baby Zara and is something I would wear too! A great match with a the colourful jeans and boots.


I have to say Next did not come up trumps. Sale days at Next are always a drama but there wasn’t sufficient stock to look at. I did pick up some socks but I don’t think they need their own link!


It’s the babes birthday party tomorrow so I must go and ice 101 fairy cakes but in the true spirit of Barbie My Baby I am including a pic of the babe’s outfit today. I have cut her head to keep her secret but you’ll get the idea. In brief the jeans are Mothercare, the tee is Next, the boots are Pom D’api and the cardi is La Redoute. Hope you approve; I thought she looked like a little dudette!
