Tag Archives: potty training

Daddy gets special treatment?

18 May

For those who read my wardrobe edit post the other day I have to start my blog with a picture of the Donna Ida packaging. Not only were the jeans fabulous but the packaging made me feel extra special!


Perhaps the reason I am getting so excited over packaging is my generally more stony mood as a result of a blip in the babe‘s sleeping. For all those lovely mothers whose toddlers are yet to sleep through the night I apologise for what is to follow. I have the utmost respect and admiration for those who operate well after years of broken sleep – you are amazing.

The babe has slept through from being about 9 weeks old. She was still being breast fed so I understand that this is somewhat unusual or as I suspect, lucky. The girl just loves her bed and is great at settling herself thanks to her not-insignificant thumb sucking habit. (V cute). There have been a couple of exceptions to this. A round trip to Canada knocked her body clock out at 8 months but thats a fair exception – I didn’t sleep right for weeks.

Anyway the last few nights I have been up between 11pm and 4am at varying intervals to attend to a screeching child. It could be teeth, so she’s had Calpol, it could be that she’s just starting to walk and she loves to stand up in her cot, it could be that she’s suddenly become afraid of the dark. After the 3rd time of putting her back in her cot to hear her screech for her life I fear that she is just learning how to push her Mum‘s buttons. She’s very good at it.

Last night I needed to host a business dinner staying away from home and as the babe isn’t used to my hubby’s attention during the night I was concerned that should she wake up screaming he might have a challenge on his hands to settle her. I called in this morning from my hotel room only to be told she had slept 7.30pm to 7.10am without so much of a peep! (He even felt the need to check if she was breathing at one point so deep was her sleep).

I am now off to pick her up from the childminder with a spring in my step given I haven’t seen her since yesterday morning. However, I am told she has not been potty for almost 48 hours so I suspect she is waiting for me to deal with this too. The joys of motherhood!

Potty for the Potty

24 Apr


I had to write a post today to detail the mildly concerning and highly amusing events of yesterday. Not all mothers would find these events amusing I must assure you, but on balance I find you have to see the funny side or you’re stuffed.

I am not a blogger who likes to write about her child’s bowel movements in detail. I write about baby fashion and working Mum‘s but sometimes sh*t just happens. (Sorry about that).

So, the babe, she is a determined little thing and she is currently determined only to do a number 2 whilst on her thrown. We started using a potty when she was about 11 months. (Not out of any desire to win the potty training competition I must add). She had various issues going to the loo and my Mum suggested she might find it easier to go if she was sitting. The prescribed Movicol hadn’t had much effect so I gave it a go, and it worked. 3 months on she goes on the potty a couple of times a day, very rarely resorting to her nappy for a no 2.

However, we were out for lunch on Sunday with some mates. In hindsight it was fortunate that these were mates that were longstanding and also had young children of their own. Despite having purchased a travel potty the previous week I had neglected to bring it with me, confident that if she really neeeded to go – she would in her nappy.

She was no sooner in her highchair than I saw the telltale signs that she needed to go. I held her, cajoled her, took her to the changing room to take her nappy off to see if that helped but all to no avail. On taking her back into the relatively swanky gastro pub her cries started up again and my hubby suggested I just hold her over the loo. Nice. Amazingly it very quickly worked and we good rid of the offending issue. Sadly Mummy’s lovely beef and yorkshire pudding was stone cold. A small price to pay for a happy babe.

The second incident may have some reaching for the phone to call social services but hopefully will raise a chuckle too. The babe has recently graduated to a slightly larger pot to accomodate her growing behind. We went upstairs yesterday lunchtime and all was going to plan until I left the room to grab some wipes. The rooms are next door and the danger of accident I felt limited but no so. I re-entered the bathroom just in time to see her toppling sideways mid bowel movement onto the lino. Whether the subsequent screams were as a result of injury caused through the fall or the poo itself is hard to say. However the engineers from Sky fitting our multiroom in the bedroom were no doubt left unsure of what was going on. Bless her. She now has a lovely purple bruise on her cheekbone which I feel the need to explain to everyyone I meet lest they be concerned.

I am genuinely pleased that we have found a way of making the whole issue of going to the toilet easier for her. Lesson for the week seems to be to remember the travel potty, you never know when the mood might strike…

Ps. The potty photo isn’t the babe but the below is. Showcasing her baby Zara jeans and her new found stair climbing skills…nightmare!
