Tag Archives: presents

Happy birthday baby

22 Mar


Phew! What a day. I am just sitting down at the end of the babe’s first birthday after what I hope was a lovely day for her. Its a celebration of her little life which goes someway to showing how amazing she is to me and how she’s made everything in life better and more worthwhile.

I’ve felt quite emotional really, it’s seem so unlikely that I had a baby just a year today and she is now this little person with a personality all her own. What a star.

What I have learned today however is that children’s birthdays don’t really belong to their parents. I suspect particularly in the pre-school years the day is over taken by well meaning but somewhat overwhelming relatives all keen to share in the special day. Regardless of this, I did manage to chill out and have a good time. Her best baby buddy and my equally best mummy friend made themselves available to us all day and were there by my side through every relative. My own mummy also brought a little pressie for her own little girl in the form of a baby book by Anthony Browne called “My Mum“. It’s one of those things that you couldn’t buy for yourself as it celebrates how good a mum you are but you always would hope someone thinks it of you. Bless her. http://www.childrenslaureate.org.uk/previous-laureates/books/1/25557/

Gran also bought the babe a tiny posy of gerberas. Hand tide and brightly coloured. I suspect this might become a tradition, and what a lovely one.

From a fashion perspective I think it may have been a low one for mum and baby. She was bought a number of clothes as gifts, (including a pink tutu dress and a baby Monsoon outfit), which whilst pretty and no doubt expensive are really not my cup of tea. I realise I won’t be able to dictate her wardrobe for much longer so I will for now! I know I am very hard to please. My weekend blog should up the baby fashion stakes as me and the best bud are heading out on a spree on Saturday afternoon. Watch this space!


New lust items

21 Mar


No proper blog tonight as I’ve been on a business trip half way down the country for most of the day and have spent the early morning and evening wrapping pressies and making fairy cakes for the babes 1st birthday tomorrow.

I’ll be back with meaning tomorrow but in the mean time have a look at one of the babe’s pressies that I thought might appeal http://www.kiddicare.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10001&catalogId=10751&langId=-1&productId=133369&source=froogle&cm_mmc=Froogle-_-Shopping%20Sites-_-CPC-_-Froogle and a new lust item for your Barbie baby.. http://www.laredoute.co.uk/baby-girl-s-dual-fabric-dress-with-peter-pan-collar.htm?ProductId=324273485&t=6
