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Offensive Language & A Dress for the Races

20 Jul

The last three days have been entirely consumed by wrangling with the vendor of the home we would like to call our own. Pre-motherhood I have to admit to having a bit of a potty month. As mentioned historically my hubby has military roots and you geninely have not heard swearing until you’ve spent time with the forces. Officer or squaddy no matter. Since bearing the babe I have got better but this weeks events have caused me to slip.

(I also have to admit to sounding like a true Geordie slag after 10pm on a Tuesday night. The new series of Geordie Shore is in full swing and whilst my usual accent is only slight it is ressurected and treated to a big dollop of bad language after I’ve been subjected to the true Geordies).

Anyway, several sleepness nights later we have managed to secure the house. Whilst we have paid far more than was our original intention I am over the moon. The hubby however has been repeatedly chanting the worst of all swear words at the air, in place of the miserable old man whose house we have bought. None of this took place in front of the babe who I can confirm is in the safe hands of the non-potty-mouthed childminder for the day.

On to cheaper and less stressful matters. I am off to ladies day at the races next weekend and am woefully unprepared. Pre-babe I would have spent weeks selecting a dress for a smart occassion but as it stands I have just over a week and very little money. A little route around in the last of the sales has however yielded this beauty. Whistles Dress

I am going to pair with a white lace effect blazer from Zara and my nude Jimmy Choo‘s and i’m good to go. All acheived in an afternoon at work!


Barbie me & my baby – sale picks

6 Jul

I should start by saying that I wrote this post yesterday afternoon. I think it was one of my better ones. It involved a lot of links and photos and was quite long. Then I added the final photo and accidentally deleted the lot. Error. Can’t find it anywhere though so here we go again.

I have not been tempted much by the summer sales this year. Its hard to get excited about cut price maxi-dresses when there is a rain storm going on. It seems that a lot of the high street has been running discounts since early June to try and attract any potential punters and I don’t think the quality has been great. However, the second mark downs seem to have surfaced this week and some of my favourite online retailers have gone into sale.

Given my limited budget I have tried to think about what I will need and wear for Autumn/Winter rather than buying odd bits and bobs that are too summery to get much of an outing in blighty.

First off are ankle boots. I am a big fan of my skinny jeans and whilst I often pair with ballet pumps or uggs when on mummy duties I think ankle boots can smarten up a daytime outfit with a wooly jumper or make an evening look in the winter.  I managed to pick up these beauties from a local boutique Jules B who also have a much bigger online offering. I suspect they were last winters stock but are a classic style and without the slightly ropey ankle strap, very wearable.  Check out the online boutique for other sale bargains.

Next is a suprise entry from H&M. I have never purchased footwear from them before and their in store sale is often a bit of a jumble sale so I went online. On their useful online styler they had these ankle boots being modelled. Granted they are not real suede but at £12 they will form a great part of my jeans and small child wardrobe.

Next on my hotlist, one of my favourite diffusion brands Maison Scotch. I live in these t-shirts with a boyfriend cardy in the winter and a racer vest underneath in the summer. They are £50-£100 at full price which seems like a lot for a tee but they are lovely quality, last for ages and are just a little bit out of the ordinary. I picked these two beauties up in the sale at my local Fenwicks but Flannels fashion have a great range in their sale.

No sale shopping would be complete without Hush. I have blogged about the brand loads before as I am a big fan of their loungewear and pj’s. I have been after their jersey blazer for months and I snapped it up for £25 in the sale.

Now on to the babe. I am one of those crazy people who, despite their small child, waits up till midnight to log onto the very start of the Zara sale.  I love their baby and kids wear and there is often very little of it in the sale so it pays to be prompt. I managed to pick up skinny jeans in the next two sizes up, a pretty dress, a couple of tees and some loafters all for £47. Would have cost me nearer £90 full price. My babe shopping principle is much the same as my own so everything I bought was suitable for Autumn/Winter.

Last but not least a random and late night purchase on the Ipad. Whilst breastfeeding I developed a late night iphone ebay habit during night feeds and the ipad allows me a similar capability to shop night or day, (much to the hubby’s despair).  Whilst browsing the Asos sale I came across these suede Mary Janes by Dune reduced from £95 to £39. I have to admit to not being the biggest fan of Dune but had I not been aware of the brand these shoes would have been right up my street. Given the price I elected to order them on the basis I could always return.

I love them. Not only are they super flattering they will go equally well with opaque tights and a skirt for work as with skinny jeans and a jumper for day. Still available on Asos in a 40 last time I looked…!

Now, lunchtime is approaching. I intend to counter the negative effects left by a 12noon bikini wax with a trip to the All Saints sale…

Best Baby Buddies

25 Jun


I am lucky enough that my little babe has a little babe buddy. I am even luckier that the babe’s buddy’s mummy is my best mate.

I say all this because today was one of those days where you remember how important your friendships are for you and your kids.

The babe’s little buddy came running across to me and the babe this morning when she spotted us at playgroup and remained clamped to my leg until I picked her up for a cuddle. The two little ones then spent a couple of amusing hours investigating the plastic wendyhouse and offering each other raisins. Super cute.

I posted a couple of days ago about a Baby Zara body warmer I had purchased for the babe.  When I popped in at our buddy’s house yesterday I spotted the exact same one! (And believe me that is not because my mate reads my blog!)

Coordinating pregnancy number two could be more tricky…

Barbie My Baby

21 Jun

Not content with the summer sales I am beginning to get overexcited about the prospect of the autumn winter season and some of my favourite stores are offering online sneak peeks of their new collections.

Whilst my fave high street store Zara is neither in sale nor previewing new collections, they have introduced a few new items into their kids range to keep me entertained. I was not able to resist this star bodywarmer and the sensible bit of my brain knows the babe will get more wear out of this than any number of pretty summer dresses …. mores the pity.

Available in three colour ways online at


Toddler poo problems

30 May

After a week out of the blogging game I am coming back with the unusual mix of toddler nutrition and harem pants. Let’s deal with first things first. The babe has struggled with her poos from being a tiny thing. (It runs in her family bless her). I gave her water in between feeds when she was three months to help and anticipated drama when she moved to solids. Whilst weaning wasn’t disastrous – the babe is a tremendous eater and there are few things she won’t sample – each new food introduced had to be given an opportunity to get out of her system again before we new what trouble it might cause.

I think I have been pretty good with what I give her to eat. I bought a brilliant Beaba Babycook which I would highly recommend and which ensured early weaning friendly purées in minutes. I succumb to Ella’s kitchen fruit smoothie pouches for ease but how bad can 100% fruit be? Well, it turns out pretty terrible for a toddler with a sensitive digestive system. Despite the best efforts of my somewhat old school health visitor, the babe has struggled with her poos for at least 6 months.

My lovely childminders who I frequently praise on the blog took it upon themselves to point out to me that some of the stuff I was giving her to eat was really not helping. Some might take offence but I was soooo grateful. They know I’m a mum who only wants the best for her girl and will do anything in her power to make her life easier and I’m confident they respect me as a parent. So why not take a little advice from parents and carers who have a lot more experience in life and child rearing than me. Taking her off her favourite bananas and substituting pears and apples was a big one. (Bananas are all sugar apparently). Red meat and pasta together are almost impossible for small children to digest. (Out went her favourite homemade spaghetti bolognese and in with the ratatouille). And all per packed foods for children have massive amounts of sugar in them, natural or not, that exacerbates any digestive issues. (Even her Petit Filou yogurts have been switched for Greek yoghurt and fruit purée, very tasty).

When I went to pick her up tonight I discovered that the childminders had bought me two recipe books to help me and congratulate me on my success. How lush. I may now need to seek out the health visitor who told me that the babe should be eating the same meals that we eat all the time……

My other promised topic was harem pants. I am a big fan and I am too for the babe in summer. When she was tiny she had some gorgeous white linen ones, long ago too small. Imagine my excitement when I came across some new ones in Next yesterday. Gorgeous detail and a good price for a lovely quality item. Still available online at £11. The shot is of the babe sporting her harem pants in portugal last summer. She was the grand old age of 5 months….


That sinking feeling…

23 May

I may have come to sound like a stuck record on issues around being a working Mum but I do seem to come up against its challenges week after week with no let up!

Yesterday my lovely babe woke up looking like something not right. I don’t post pics of her for the slightly overcautious reason that I want this blog to remain anonymous but I was tempted by this particular sight. She has a bad case of conjunctivitis. This manifested itself in hard bright green discharge from her ears to the bridge of her nose across both eyes. Compounded by the solid green snot running nose to mouth she looked like a little baby alien child. Poor thing.

After I had prised all this from her face with 101 water soaked cotton wool balls I was forced to confront the next issue; Who on earth was going to look after my highly contagious child for my working week? Despite only working a three day week this seems to be a common issue. So the sinking feeling comes in. It starts with concern for my gorgeous girl, builds to panic when contemplating the reality of the situation and usually ends on feelings of inadequacy that I have to leave her with others when she’s not feeling great.

Thank goodness I have childminders that are not only accomodating of the common illnesses of childhood but that I really trust and value their influence over my little girl.

In other news I am very excited that the warm weather has eventually allowed me to break into the babes summer wardrobe. Below is a fab coral romper that I bought a few weeks ago at George at Asda. A bargain at £6 and right on trend both in colour and style. Even with gooey eyes – supercute!

The coral one is no longer available online but this denim version packs a similar punch.,default,pd.html


Daddy gets special treatment?

18 May

For those who read my wardrobe edit post the other day I have to start my blog with a picture of the Donna Ida packaging. Not only were the jeans fabulous but the packaging made me feel extra special!


Perhaps the reason I am getting so excited over packaging is my generally more stony mood as a result of a blip in the babe‘s sleeping. For all those lovely mothers whose toddlers are yet to sleep through the night I apologise for what is to follow. I have the utmost respect and admiration for those who operate well after years of broken sleep – you are amazing.

The babe has slept through from being about 9 weeks old. She was still being breast fed so I understand that this is somewhat unusual or as I suspect, lucky. The girl just loves her bed and is great at settling herself thanks to her not-insignificant thumb sucking habit. (V cute). There have been a couple of exceptions to this. A round trip to Canada knocked her body clock out at 8 months but thats a fair exception – I didn’t sleep right for weeks.

Anyway the last few nights I have been up between 11pm and 4am at varying intervals to attend to a screeching child. It could be teeth, so she’s had Calpol, it could be that she’s just starting to walk and she loves to stand up in her cot, it could be that she’s suddenly become afraid of the dark. After the 3rd time of putting her back in her cot to hear her screech for her life I fear that she is just learning how to push her Mum‘s buttons. She’s very good at it.

Last night I needed to host a business dinner staying away from home and as the babe isn’t used to my hubby’s attention during the night I was concerned that should she wake up screaming he might have a challenge on his hands to settle her. I called in this morning from my hotel room only to be told she had slept 7.30pm to 7.10am without so much of a peep! (He even felt the need to check if she was breathing at one point so deep was her sleep).

I am now off to pick her up from the childminder with a spring in my step given I haven’t seen her since yesterday morning. However, I am told she has not been potty for almost 48 hours so I suspect she is waiting for me to deal with this too. The joys of motherhood!

eBay My Wardrobe

14 May

Apologies to those who follow my blog and are therefore wondering whether I have infact given up. Not so. However, the babe has been getting up for three hours in the middle of the night for the last week so my usual blog time has been taken up with blessed sleep. One can only hope that the last of her teeth are almost through and I can go back to a more regular blog and a more sorted wardrobe.

Whilst in the stream lining phase of my wardrobe sort I have sold a number of items on eBay. I do this a lot and whilst second hand isn’t everyones cup of tea I find it a really great way of recycling stuff that is loads better than just throwing things out. (It also enables me to continue fuelling my shopping habit by recouping some of my spend…). One of my good mates has taken to acquiring items from my wardrobe via eBay, her reasoning being that if she goes via an auction she will pay what the item is actually worth on the open market rather than having the embarrassing “how much?” chat between friends. Whatever works for her!

I never sell without also aquiring new stuff unfortunately. eBay selling almost always becomes eBay buying as once i’m on the site I find it has an addictive effect on me. Must find new shoes, bag, jacket etc etc. I have this week sold an old pair of Jimmy Choo flats that were seldom worn and in excellent condition and replaced them with a pair of pink neon Dior flats that will fit right into my summer wardrobe. I don’t mind second hand designer.

The Choo’s:


And the new pink Dior’s:


I am starting to become aware that my blog is split personality. One day style related, the next very much a mummy blog. Maybe I need to consider splitting the two or maybe it’s provides variation for my meagre readership!

Wardrobe Work Out – Jeans

10 May

I just had a look at some of my blog stats – what a depressing exercise! Whilst I may not have a huge readership as yet at least i’m giving it a go. It might however be time to read some books/articles/general advice on blogging and how to attact readership. I have to be honest and say that I don’t totally understand categories and tags so may not be using them to their full potential….

Its a fashion blog today. I was inspired by one of my favourite Style Bloggers – Beth Goodrham to conduct a wardrobe clear out and sort. Beth Goodrham Style Guile Pre-motherhood I did this 2/3 times a year when the seasons were changing and kept everything organised in work and home wardrobes. Very organised. Since the babe arrived things have been a little less clear, not least because my need for a casual home wardrobe has overtaken my previous need for smart work clothes and heels.

I have elected to make my two wardrobes distinct to “home” and “work” with the both being organised into grabbable (i know thats not a word) outfits. I know all this sounds a bit neat freak but I had a reputation for always being beautifully put together before I had the babe and am reluctant to lose this lovely accolade based on time constraints!

As I have mentioned before I love Hush loungewear for my mummy wardrobe and they have assisted me in starting to sell their clothes in lovely outfit bundles! Inspiration indeed! Hush Bundles

What has become clear in the sorting element of the excercise is that my jeans are in a terrible state and as a majority of my time is spent in them it seems advisable to have great jeans! I think as I came out of maternity jeans back into regular I opted for comfort and fashion over long term wearability with fashion credentials. Donna Ida has put me back on the map! For those who haven’t come across Donna Ida they are a specialist denim online retailer with stylists and great searching capability by body shape. I’m dedicating todays post to the jeans on the shortlist. I have ordered or sent my husband who works in London to purchase them all and will report back on whats good and whats not. I’ll blog later in the week on how I get on sorting the wardrobe into outfits – with pics of course!

All my jeans are skinny I’m afraid but all very wearable and hopefully long lasting. Some of the photos aren’t great so I’ve included links too.

First up the Donna Ida offering. James JeansThey are by James Jeans and at half price in the sale a slightly more manageable £100. Whilst not the traditional blue I thought the colour very wearable for dress up or down.


Next up a surprise entry from Abercrombie & Fitch. I have never attempted to buy jeans here before partly because you can’t see anything in the dimly lit shop and partly because I’m probably a bit older than their target demographic! However, the hubby buys his jeans there so he offered to pick me some up when he was in London. I went for their Super Skinnies in the regular wash as seen below. We’ll have to see what they are like on before making further comment.


Next a sample of one if my favourite casual brands Maison Scotch. I have a lot of their tops and a couple of pairs of Chino‘s but have never tried the jeans. I had to order them as my local stockist Fenwick didn’t have the size I needed. From seeing them in the flesh in store however they seems to be a good quality skinny with a nice bit of detail. The proof is in the fit.


Last, and certainly least in terms of price, are a new pair of Topshop Leigh Jeans. I lived in these last summer and think they are a great way of adding a bit of colour into your wardrobe for £38. I have to say that they are not built to last but they are almost like a legging so it’s not surprising. It’ll be interesting to see whether the pale colour on will be as flattering as the darker colours.


I’ll let you know how I get on once they have all arrived from their respective retailers!

Chicken Pox Party – are you kidding?

6 May


I just about have time to blog between putting the babe down to bed very early and the hubby arriving back from the football. The babe doesn’t normally get her head down for another 45 mins but she was falling asleep on me during Charlie & Lola so I elected to call it early. The hubby will no doubt be a little forlorn (bad result) and a little drunk (having been out since half eleven) so best to blog now me thinks!

I’ve struggled to blog for the last couple of days as the babe has been unable to go to the childminder with a v high temperature and a mystery illness. I have assumed teething but I am now starting to get the fear. I think it’s Chicken Pox. Having spent a lovely bank holiday Sunday with our best buddies I am especially worried as the rash has just appeared tonight so I may have infected our favourite girls.

This brings me to my point. Will said lovely friend and her equally lovely little girl be thrilled to understand that the babe has chicken pox thus getting the disease out of the way in its mildest childhood form or be swearing at me as soon as I put down the phone at having caused further distress and pandemonium in her already full to bursting life. This is where the very real notion of a “Pox Party” comes in. Apparently it is customary in some parts to spread the virus amongst young children as quickly as possible to get it out of the way.

As mentioned above I realise the virus is often at its mildest in early childhood but this is by no means guaranteed. I also struggle with the idea of intentionally making the babe miserable. My precious girl is just too precious to inflict suffering on her intentionally. And I’m really not a soft Mum, honest.

Going back to my mate, my mind is already turning to the reality of managing the babe with hugely infectious virus requiring her to be house bound, alongside my working week, the hubby’s working week away from home and the childminder being unable to take her. Going to be a new level of juggling. But when it comes down to it, I’ll be here with her every step of the way – because at least to me, that’s what being a Mum is about.

NB. For those looking for a fashionable note, the pic is of the babe in her latest Zara tee. I’m not a huge fan of slogan tops but the spots and neon had me sold. Still available at in 3-24 months. Seems ironic now that it’s spotty…..